The Rucker Family Society has, at present, about two hundred and fifty members.  Their collective knowledge is the single most valuable resource to researchers who are seeking genealogical information.  The benefits of Society membership include:

A newsletter subscription.  This is a great place to submit queries to other researchers.  Read about historical and modern Ruckers.  Be the first to hear about new books and other research aids.
A membership database.  This is a powerful networking tool, enabling us to identify other members with common ancestry, who may have the answer to a particular genealogical question.
Reunions/meetings.  Every two years the Society convenes to conduct business, meet old friends and make new ones, and learn about local Rucker history.  We have met in Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, Missouri, Utah, Arizona and California.  Each reunion is different, but we have enjoyed scholarly lectures, tours of historical Rucker homes, city-wide festivals, museums, genealogy archives, forays to lonely graveyards and most importantly, fellowship with Rucker cousins. 
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To join the Society, download and print our application form, and send it to the address on the form.  We welcome everyone into the Society; you don't have to be a Rucker to join.