Peter1 Rucker, Immigrant to America, circa 1700 (1), settled in Essex Co., VA. He married shortly thereafter
and began the Rucker dynasty.
b. ca 1675, in Europe (2)
d. ca 1744, Orange Co., VA (3)
m. ca 1700, to Elizabeth ______ (maiden name unknown) (4)

birth date and place unknown

d. ca 1752, Culpeper Co., VA, when Peter Rucker's estate was divided
(D. B. 1, p.400, 21 Feb 1752, Culpeper Co., VA).
The Ruckers lived in Essex County, later moving to Spotsylvania Co., where John Rucker purchased land for
them (5). In 1734 Spotsylvania Co. became Orange, in 1848 it became Culpeper, and in 1793, Madison.
Issue (probably born in Essex Co., VA, birth dates are estimated) (6):
1. John2 Rucker, b. ca 1701; m. Susannah _______.
2. Peter2 Rucker, b. ca 1703, probably died young (7).
3. Thomas2 Rucker, b. ca 1705; m. Elizabeth Reynolds.
4. Elizabeth2 Rucker, b. ca 1708; m. William Pierce.
5. Margaret2 Rucker, b. ca 1710; m. Isaac Tinsley.
6. William2 Rucker, b. ca 1713; m. Honar _____.
7. Mary2 Rucker, b. ca 1720; m. William Offill.
8. James2 Rucker, b. ca 1723; m. Margaret _____.
9. Ephraim2 Rucker, b. ca 1725; m. Margaret Vawter.
10. Ann2 Rucker, b. ca 1727; m. Shem Cook.
1. It was previously thought that Peter arrived in 1690, but that was taking into consideration that immigrants
had to be in the country fourteen years to be naturalized. However, the law now believed applicable in the early
1700s required only a four-year residency, and the fourteen-year residency requirement for aliens was a late 1700s
law. Final approval of Peter's petition for naturalization was granted on 8 May 1704, leading us to believe he arrived
in the year 1700.
2. No evidence has been found as to Peter Rucker's origin. His name is Germanic, yet he was naturalized
with several French refugees, leading historians to believe he came from Alsace-Lorraine, an area that was part
French, part German. In 1700 many French Huguenots arrived in Virginia. Peter Rucker’s birth date is speculation.
3. Peter Rucker's Will was dated 18 Jan 1742/1743, and proved 23 Feb 1743/1744
(Will Book 1, p.299, Orange Co., VA).
4. The surname Fielding came from Whitley's book and she has since admitted she was mistaken and that
Fielding was not Elizabeth's maiden name. There is no evidence of a Fielding living near the Ruckers in Essex Co.
The family Coghill has been researched and no evidence exists of a female named Elizabeth Coghill. Frederick
Coghill's wife's maiden name was Goss, but we can find no Elizabeth Goss.
5. Deed Book B, p.493, 5 Feb 1733/34, Spotsylvania Co., VA, 420 acres was deeded to Peter and Elizabeth
Rucker from John Rucker.
6. Names of children are from Will of Peter Rucker, except for sons John, who predeceased his father by one
year, and Peter (see #7).
7. The only record of son, Peter Rucker, was in the Frederick Coghill deed, dated 28 Jan 1707/8
(Deed Book 13, p. 91, Essex Co., VA): ". . . for the kind love and affection I owe unto John, Peter, and Thomas
Rucker, sons of said Peter Rucker . . .."
Many thanks to Alice Rucker Allen, Austin, TX, for her research and advice on this paper.