Monday April 24th 1704
His Excellencie
William Byrd
Phillip Ludwell
John Lightfoot
Henry Duke
Robert Carter
Robert Quary
John Custis
John Smith
The petition of Teliffe Alvertson for naturalizacon, read, and
Referred to the consideracon of the Houfe of Burgefses
The pets of Jno. Jas. Veillon, Peter ffonysailles, Jno. Dep, Français Colonis [,] Jacqueline Jaquet, Bartho. Depuys Isaac ffiguier Jno
& Paul Drapier was read &
Refd to ye consideration of the Hs of Burgefses
The Several petitions of Cyprian Prou
Peter Rucker

& Isaac Garret, praying for naturalizacon were severally presented & Read, and
That the same be reffered to ye consideracon of the houfe of Burgefses
The peticon of Mary Greenfield, praying leave to sell part of her land for
her subftance, her husband having left her, read &
Referred to ye consideracon of the Houfe of Burgefses
Robert Carter Esqre absent
That the Clerk of the Genle Afsembly carry the following mefsage
to the Houfe of Burgefses, together with the papers relating to the ffr. Refugees
Mr Speaker & Gent of the Houfe of Burgefses
His Excellency & the honble Council having recd diverse petitions heretofore
presented by the ffrench Refugees settled at Manicantown praying for
naturalizacon, with several other papers relating to that settlement, Have
thought fit to recommend to ye & Houfe the mature consideracon of the said
petition, as being a café of very great importance
By order of his Excellcy & ye Honble Council
W _?_ Robertson Gen Afsembly
A mefsage from the Houfe of Burgefses to his Excellcy by Mr Robert
Bolling & others who grought the following Resolve
By the Houfe of Burgefses
Monday April 24 1704
Resolved that it is the opinion of this Houfe
That in respon of her Matys & this Countrys fervice, the Better Feverly of
Mor---- Shyes & the interor of Trade in general, it will not be proper
for the _______ ffleet to sail _____ before the last day of
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